Recently Apple launched new battery cases for iPhone X, XR, and XR on Friday, which costs $129 and gives more juice to your phone. Based on the first impression, the case looks bulky, thick and also very expensive.

Considering the price point, The case of very expensive and almost equals a budget smartphone. so should you get it? Yes, if you are a power user and you use your phone for almost everything. For most of the users, the case is a strict no.

The Question comes, why Apple makes these cases when it is not covering masses and why are they super expensive? Recently Apples saw huge sales decline and their selling methods did not work that shows in iPhone XR sales. To boost profits and revenue Apple launched these cases which somewhat compensate the iPhone XR sales if it works. The case does not justify $129. There are a lot of compatible cases out there in the market with the lesser price point. What makes these cases expensive? It is the Apple logo on it.

Apple continuously making mistakes what I see with the approach they are adopting. Selling expensive phones with just average screen quality. Ya ya, I saw lot of bloggers writing good about the screen quality of XR and people say it is good. But the question is why are we paying so much just for a decent screen quality.

Rather focusing on customers, Apple starts focusing on profits, Which is going no where. These cases clearly do not justify their costs. there is no research involved, nothing extraordinary expect they now support wireless charging.

In the end, it is customers who make things running, and you can always take your call. These cases coming with decent price point would have been an appreciated move and customer would accept and love the product.

In the end, I am also an Apple product fan, and use iPad, iPhone, and MacBook so the blog is not biased, I appreciate when Apple comes with the good product and approach.

Thanks for reading the article, cheers and stay happy 🙂

Rishi153 Tech Blogs ,

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